Articles on: Courses

How To Add A Quiz To Your Course


Quizzes are a great way to engage with members and assess their understanding of the course material. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to add a quiz to your course in Shopify.

Table of content

Add The Quiz
Create the Quiz
Preview the Quiz

Add the Quiz

Navigate to the Courses section in your Shopify admin.

Select the specific course to which you want to add a quiz.

Click Add Lesson within the course.

Name the lesson for example, "Quiz"

Then proceed by clicking Add button, in the dropdown menu select the option Add Quiz.

Create the Quiz.

Select Quiz type

1.a. For Multiple Choice Questions.

Select Multiple Choice as the question type, then enter your question.

Add the answers in the answer box then Indicate the correct answer by checking the appropriate box next to the answer choice.

You can add more questions by clicking Add Question

1.b. Open-Ended Questions:
Select Open-Ended then Enter the question prompt.

Set Quiz Requirements:
If needed, make the quiz mandatory for lesson completion. This ensures that members must complete the quiz before progressing.

Set a minimum score or percentage required to pass the quiz.

After setting up your quiz, click Save to store your changes.

Preview the Quiz

Use the Preview feature to see how the quiz will appear to members.

To see more about preview go to timestamp 1:50 - 4:03

Updated on: 26/03/2024

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